
Join us in building the future of the Philippines and Southeast Asia

We are looking for passionate, talented individuals to join our mission to catalyze the Philippines startup ecosystem our forward. If this sounds like you, explore roles with our core team or at one of our portfolio companies.

Be part of the mission

The Kaya Manifesto

​Entrepreneurship is everywhere

Talent is universal, but opportunity is not. Kaya Founders believes in the transformative power of technology to level the playing field and democratize opportunity for all.  

We embrace founders and employees from all backgrounds and believe that the world’s stickiest problems will be solved not from an ivory tower, but by those closest to realities on the ground.

We value diversity not for diversity’s sake, but stemming from the foundational belief that companies thrive when there is a multiplicity of perspectives to challenge and enlighten one another.

Radical candor at all times

There is no room for ego on our team. We achieve the best outcomes when everyone is empowered to speak their minds in the service of truth.

We are committed to cultivating a nonhierarchical environment that prizes factuality and authenticity over title or relative stature. Every team member is obligated to say what they think and to hold each other accountable, even when it is uncomfortable to do so.

Feedback is our lifeblood. We believe that constructive and respectfully delivered criticism is imperative for elevating collective performance. The fastest way to achieve product-market fit is by truly understanding customer needs and relentlessly discarding biased assumptions.

Bias for action

We are driven by results, and believe that high quality work can be produced irrespective of one’s location and life circumstances. Output, rather than attendance or hours spent, is the only relevant indicator of performance.  

We encourage everyone to take action, even when the path forward is unclear. The ability to take risks and make decisions in the face of ambiguity is key to continuous progress.​

Finally, rapid experimentation lies at the core of how Kaya operates, and we strive to use both successes and failures as learning fodder. The quicker we test new ideas, the quicker we can learn, adapt, and iterate. Even as we move swiftly, we take no shortcuts when it comes to integrity, treating each other with respect, upholding human dignity, and abiding by the highest ethical standards.

Boldness in every pursuit

Kaya Founders is building the future we want to see. We will only ever invest in ventures that are aligned with our mission and have the potential to meaningfully improve the status quo.

We recognize the importance of balancing optimism with pragmatism. Innovation does not necessarily mean starting from scratch or achieving perfection. It does, however, require audacity. We gravitate toward those who are undaunted by limits and can think in unconstrained ways. In our founders, as in our team, we look for pioneers motivated by the prospect of solving difficult problems. Missteps and detours are a given — ultimately, what sets the winners apart are the courage to start and the grit to persist.

Life at Kaya

Explore roles with our core team or at one of our portfolio companies